Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated

Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated

You’ve created the perfect item, designed the ideal shop listing, used the right hashtags, and made your first sale. Now you have to ship it to your happy customer. Don’t let your presentation end at shipping. Package your products to make your customer feel appreciated. I promise you it will leave a lasting impression.

Giving your packaging a little time and effort makes a world of difference. It makes you stand above the usual big box stores and overnight shipping locations. It gives it a personal touch and lets your customer know that you care and they are truly important to you.

What To Pack

Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated

A Little Fluff

Presentation is everything. When your customer first opens your package, what will they see? Adding a little color to your packing material, such as tissue or inner packaging, can add a pop of personality. You want your character to shine from the moment they open their box.

Handwritten Thank You Note

Nothing says thank you, and I appreciate you more than a handwritten note. It doesn’t have to be long, just a note to say “thank you” for purchasing from me, and I hope you will consider me again for your next purchase. It will go a long way in letting your customers know that you value them and they are not just another impersonal sale.

Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated

Your Information

Packaging is a perfect way to put your information in front of your customer. A small card with your social media accounts, email, web address, or business’s physical address can be a great way to let your customers know how to keep up with you.

Using your business’s colors and logo help your customer to remember your brand. I love placing stickers with my logo and name on the packaging. It gives my packaging a personal touch.

Give A Review Request

If you have a way for customers to review your shop, then kindly let them know that a good review would be very much appreciated. You can even offer them a reward for completing a review.


A coupon can entice customers to do return business with you. A fun option is you can put two coupons in the box. Label the coupons: one for you and one for a friend. This would encourage them to share your information with their friends and family. The coupon could be free shipping, 10% off, or whatever you think would be appropriate for your business. It doesn’t have to be for a significant amount. You don’t want a coupon to take away from your profits.

You don’t want to overwhelm your customer with too many cards, so the previous four suggestions can all be combined into one or two cards if you choose. Of course, if you put two coupons in the box, then they would need to be separated or a way to be cut in two. You want your customer to say “Wow,” not “Woah,” when they open their package.

Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated

A Free Gift

Include something small and inexpensive to say thanks! This will make a significant impression on your customer. Your gift can be a treat such as candy or a gift card, or you can collaborate with other businesses and send a sample to your customer. Your gift can be merchandise that you have on hand. The bigger the purchase, the bigger the gift can be. For instance, if your customer spends $100, a free t-shirt may be an appropriate gift, but if they spend $20, a free keychain may be a more suitable gift.

My husband is a purchaser for his company and constantly receives gifts such as tools, cups, mugs, grill seasonings, stickers, and coasters. You can decide on the value of the gift. Any amount would be a great way to say thank you.

This gift came with a small bag with a thank you sticker, a scrunchie, and peppermints. So simple yet so effective.

Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated
Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated

Taking just a few extra steps when packaging your product can make a big difference. When your customer opens their package, make sure they feel like a valued customer, not just another sale.

I would love to hear your creative ideas on packaging your products. Leave me a comment below.

Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated
Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated

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3 thoughts on “Package Your Products To Make Your Customers Feel Appreciated”

  1. As a marketer I’m always analyzing the packaging, thank you cards and small details that definitely makes the difference between brands and helps to create a sense on belonging, engagement and appreciation.

  2. Love these tips! It’s so much more special to open a box and find a handwritten note, some confetti, or something else that just feels extra wonderful. It makes me feel so much more valued as a customer.

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