How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination

How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination

From the moment you decide on a destination, you start dreaming of a great time, and for some, planning is half the experience. I have created a list of how to plan the perfect trip to a new destination. We have learned tips and suggestions over the years, and it always makes our trips the best experience ever.

Research Before You Go

Sometimes research can be a negative word, but it can be exciting when learning about a new place. Before we go anywhere, we always research it. We learn about the customs, the history, the climate, and anything that will help us prepare for our trip. We have bought travel books on the areas we travel to and search Pinterest for exciting things to do. We make sure to know about a place before we get there, so we don’t spend all of our time figuring out what to do. Of course, the best possible way of learning about a new place is actually to explore it, and we always leave plenty of time to explore and learn.

How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination
Take time to learn about your destination. You won’t regret it.

Create A List Of Places To Visit

While researching, we list things we want to do and places we want to eat. We usually make two separate lists of things that we really want to do and things that would be nice to do if we get the time. Since our personalities are so different, it makes our list really interesting. I try new foods and activities that I would never try because it is something my husband enjoys. It usually turns out that I enjoy it too, and I am exposed to something that I would not have chosen for myself. It works both ways. He has done a lot of things just because it is something I want to do, and he ends up enjoying it just as much as I do. Also, it is okay if you don’t enjoy something as much as your travel buddy. Let them enjoy it, and they will be more willing to let you have your moment later.

How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination
Keep a list of must-do and want-to-do for traveling to new places

Reach Out To Friends For Advice

If you are traveling to a common tourist place, then ask your friends what they recommend. When we visited Texas, a friend suggested a museum that turned out to be amazing. We would have probably walked on by it if she had not recommended it, and we would have missed out. Social media is a great place to ask for advice for travel.

Allow A Whole Day For Travel

We always allow a day for travel if possible. This doesn’t mean we don’t eat at great places or see exciting things on our travel days; this just means we are not on a schedule except for what it takes to get to our destination. Usually, we get to our destination and choose a restaurant close by or judge how much time we have left in the day to explore. This allows us to rest and be refreshed for the next day. Arrival and departure days are less stressful when you don’t have to worry about an itinerary.

How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination
Enjoy the journey to your destination.

Take The Back Roads

GPS has come a long way in the past several years, and it is more reliable now more than ever. Most GPSs have a feature that allows you to turn off highways in the settings. This means you will not be on the interstate and on main roads or the scenic route instead. If you have the time and only if you feel safe doing so, turn off the highway option and see where the road takes you. You will see more of the town you are visiting and get more of an authentic feel of the area. Highways are great, but nothing beats getting to know a town and the main streets of the area. You will see what the neighborhoods look like, the countryside, and so much more. You may even find a new attraction.

How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination
Take the scenic route.

Ask Local Folk For Suggestions

My husband loves to talk to locals about the best restaurants and activities to do when we are traveling. His doing so has led us to some fantastic restaurants. You also get to know the people a little bit better. We have traveled to places and been amazed at the cultural difference in areas. We wouldn’t have learned about it if we hadn’t struck up conversations with local people. You also get to ask questions and expand your knowledge of the area.

Eat Locally

We usually eat at local restaurants instead of chain restaurants, except when an interesting chain restaurant is unavailable in our area that we have not tried. This is always fun, and we have yet to be disappointed in finding local cuisine.

Always Be Prepared To Walk

I like to be prepared when I go somewhere. I could do a whole blog post on how I am always overprepared, but one thing I will not budge on is my shoes. It would be best if you always were prepared to walk a lot. Wear good shoes even if you aren’t planning on walking a lot because plans can quickly change when traveling, and you always want to be prepared. There is nothing more miserable than feet that hurt. So, take care of your feet and legs while you travel if you can take two or more pairs of comfortable shoes to alternate daily while traveling.

Take Lots Of Pictures

They say pictures are worth a thousand words, and I couldn’t agree more. In today’s world, it is so easy to take good-quality photos from your phone. Pictures are a treasure you can take with you long after you return home. You can share them with friends and family to help tell them about your adventures. They will last a lifetime and help you remember your trip.

How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination
A picture is worth a thousand words.

What are some helpful tips you use for your trips? Let us know in the comments. I would love to hear how you are preparing to visit a new destination.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media!

How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination
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11 thoughts on “How To Plan The Perfect Trip To A New Destination”

  1. I plan a family road trip every summer and research is 90% of the battle! Once I have my itinerary planned and printed then it’s time to just sit back and enjoy the ride! Great tips!

  2. Nice post & on point! Since retirement we travel internationally but all your points are right on! It really is all about your Bucket List & research. What you are looking for in that next trip. We are walkers & that is the biggest ‘must have’ we look for – can we walk to see the sites. Yes. Great!

  3. Yes, yes, yes! I haven’t traveled in a bit, but when my daughter was in competitive gymnastics, we, as a family traveled to meets every year… hawaii, california (a lot), arizona, etc. I always made a trip out of it so we could explore the new areas. Planning is a MUST with 5 kids in tow, but flexibility, too. And I TOTALLY agree about leaving travel days unplanned.

  4. I really enjoy the planning part of a vacation. It’s half the fun, and creates a sense of anticipation and excitement for the trip!

  5. I agree – the planning is half the fun! This is a great list of tips! We love to meet the locals too and have made some great friends over the years doing so!
    Happy travels!

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