Crafters Are Using Facebook Live To Connect To Their Audience

Crafters Are Using Facebook Live To Connect To Their Audience

Nowadays, Facebook is a highway of information that is lightning fast. Under the right circumstances, your idea or post could land on a page and become viral in a matter of minutes, giving you massive free exposure that can lead to equally impressive sales. Learn how crafters are using Facebook Live to connect to their audience.

There is some evidence the general public is growing weary of reading Facebook’s endless short posts. So why not step things up with your own live Facebook event? It’s easy to start your own chat session or webinar.

Use a mic and webcam to connect with others. These days when most recent laptops, desktops, and pads have mics and cams built in, it’s a no-brainer to host this kind of live event.

That lifts the mighty Facebook from essentially an online magazine to interactive television. That’s a huge jump!

More to the point, you will be offering something new and exciting for friends and hopefully hundreds of your friends’ friends.

What can you talk about in your Facebook Live?


Show people how to do something. Teach what you know. Keep it basic or focus entirely on one complex aspect many people struggle with.

Product Promotion

Announce your new product or service and demonstrate how it works. Ask for comments and ideas on how the product can be used. Or ask for ideas on how you can improve an old product.

Market Research

Hold a meeting of your “trusted advisors.” Your customers can give you input on what moves your company should make. People love to voice their ideas and opinions.

Make Announcements

Announce and explain a new business possibility. This is a great way to make a big announcement about your business.

Live events have always gotten attention on the Web. From the beginning, live chats with experts, live webcams, and live events on YouTube got lots of interest and even made headlines.

That principle hasn’t changed. The Internet is largely static, with pages of writing that vary little from day to day or even year to year. One of the things that people like most about Facebook is it’s constantly changing. There are always fresh posts and photos being added, sometimes moment-to-moment.

You can follow that idea one step further to have the most energy-filled thing available on Facebook–a live event. As one expert put it, getting the right event on Facebook is like throwing gasoline on a fire.

Staging your live event on Facebook is putting an exciting twist on the world’s most popular gathering place. You may be surprised at the audience and enthusiasm you draw.

Crafters Are Using Facebook Live To Connect To Their Audience
Crafters Are Using Facebook Live To Connect To Their Audience

Want to know if you are ready to turn your craft hobby into a craft business? I’ve created a free checklist of the 5 Things to Have Before Starting A Craft Business so you can turn your hobby into a craft business. I created this checklist because I often see DIY Crafter and Handmade Crafters struggling with knowing how to get started as a business. If you can relate to this, my 5 Things To Have Before Starting A Craft Business is explicitly designed to help you know exactly what it takes to start a handmade business and get to do what you love, crafting. So if you’d like to take advantage of this free download.

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