5 Things You Must Have On Your Business's Social Media Account

5 Things You Must Have On Your Business’s Social Media Account

Social media is such a powerful tool for small businesses. When setting up your account, you need to make you have these five things on your business’s social media account to ensure success.


You want your social media accounts to be instantly recognizable by your audience. Having a logo that represents your business and is easy to read and recognize is essential. We live in a world that is full of logos. They are everywhere, from billboards to films. Make sure you have one that is easily recognizable for your business. Also, make sure you have the same logo on all your social media accounts. Doing so will help build your brand recognition.

5 Things You Must Have On Your Business's Social Media Account
5 Things You Must Have On Your Business’s Social Media Account

Email Address

Having a business email visible on your profile for social media is essential. Your business’s email is an excellent way for customers and potential customers to contact you. Social media is a popular place for people to look to find out more about your company, and having a way to contact you is crucial. Without a displayed email address on your social media accounts that is active and maintained, you can have missed opportunities.

5 Things You Need A Business Social Media Accounts
5 Things You Must Have On Your Business’s Social Media Account

Detailed Bio

Having a clearly defined outline of what your business does is very important. Please don’t make the bio about yourself. Instead, make it about what your company can do for your customer. Years of experience or years in the business are great but keep the focus on how you can be the answer to the problem with your service or product. Create a bio with your ideal customer in mind. Your bio is your initial sales pitch. If your social media of choice does not have a bio section, designate a pinned post covering this information.

Call to action

Don’t leave your visitors hanging. Are you telling guests to visit your website or sign up for an email? What do you want them to do next? It would be best always to encourage people to take the next step. They show a more profound interest in your offering when they take the next step. A call to action is an excellent way of building lasting customers.

5 Things You Need A Business Social Media Accounts
5 Things You Must Have On Your Business’s Social Media Account

Fresh Content

Make sure you post to social media often so you don’t have a dormant page. Having a page with old content is worse for your business than not having a page at all.

5 Things You Need A Business Social Media Accounts
5 Things You Must Have On Your Business’s Social Media Account

Social media is a wonderful tool that can help your business grow. When starting social media accounts for your business, make sure you choose the right one for your business, audience, and personal preference. Having more than one social media isn’t necessary, especially if you neglect one of them. You don’t have to master all the social media platforms to succeed. It is better to be a master of one social media account that to try to juggle more than one unsuccessfully.

Don’t forget to follow me on social media!

5 Things You Must Have On Your Business's Social Media Account
5 Things You Must Have On Your Business’s Social Media Account


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